Example of Ray's Kurzweil's Theory of Indirection

Last night on 60 minutes was a story about how scientist are developing ways for people to control computers with their brains.  They interviewed a guy who has Lou Gehrigs disease, and has no muscle control except over his eyes.  However he is able to put on a cap with electrodes and write.  The way it works is you concentrate and stare at a screen of letters and numbers and when the one you are thinking of lights up, the electrodes detect that your brain reckognizes it.  There was another woman who has sensors implanted inside her brain and she is also paralyzed but using it to control a mouse and her wheelchair.  They have fused man and machine, and it could solve problems for amputees, and people who are paralyzed.

The way it got me to thinking about Ray Kurzweil's theory of inderection and exponentional growth of technology is the fact that the guy who has Lou Gehrig's runs neurological research lab.  Only a few years ago he would have been a vegetable, but now he is still contributing to science.  It's a unique example of how technology snowballs. It ties into the larger theme that increased life expectancy allows more people more time to contribute to the advancement of technology.

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