Remembering Things: 5 examples

When I was young my dad taught me about mnemonics, which is "associations between easy-to-remember constructs which can be related back to the data that is to be remembered." It was a trick that I used repeatedly in school. Here are a few of my favorites...

1) < is the leser than symbol and > is the greater than symbol. The symbol < looks like a tilted capital L which I associate with "Lesser than."

2) "There is a rat in separate." Separate is commonly misspelled with an e (seperate) and the key to the phrase is the letter a, "there is a rat in separate."

3) "The cemetery is a place of ease (es)." Cemetery is commonly misspelled with an a in place of either of the last 2 es. So the phrase reminds you that there are lots e's, but no a's.

4) Lincoln was the 16th president. Lincoln is a car, and you can drive when you turn 16.

5) Often they are acronyms. A commonly known one is HOMES for the great lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.

I have heard when you meet someone and learn their name it helps if you can form an association between them and another person with the same name. Although, I'm still terrible at remembering people's names.

The key thing is to make your own associations for things you need to remember.

Do you know any memory tricks or mnemonics?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I was a little kid I had trouble remembering how to spell certain words.

I came up with a way to keep dessert and desert straight in my mind...

desert is desert
dessert is super sweet (ss)