My app store financials

I was watching the Apple keynote in late 2011 when they mentioned a new iOs 5 feature region monitoring and they demonstrated it with the reminders app.  I thought that would be a great feature for a time tracking app.  So I built OnSite Time Tracker and over the last 16 months I have slowly added features.  I have put in about 200 hours of development and purchased a few expensive Apple devices.  The app price has varied from free to $2.99. Here are my expenses and revenue.  I expect to break even at the end of the month.

Onsite Expenses:
$303 = logo (99 designs)
$218 (2 years of apple developer program)
$190 (3 & ½ years of web hosting at godaddy)
$60 (5 year domain registration
$30  (2 month subscription appcodes)
$25 = (graphics work related to iphone 5)
Total Expense: $826

OnSite Revenue:
12/2011 $20.77
2/2012 $49.93
3/2012 $38.51
I made the app free for 2 months
6/2012 $42.11
7/2012 $57.58
8/2012 $72.11
10/2012 $82.62
11/2012 $101.89
12/2012 $119.04
1/2013 $79.29 (got kicked out of app store over christmas)
2/2012 $103+ (as of 1/14/2012, not collected yet)
Total Revenue: $766

Grand Total: -$60


Marco said...

I dont want to sound harsh or something but how you blew 303 bucks on that logo is beyond me.

App is pretty basic but valid.

Anonymous said...

What about the 200 hours you spent developing the app? That works out to a few thousand dollars depending on how much you like to pay yourself. Shouldn't you be factoring that in when talking of breaking even?